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Government Imposter Scams

Consumer Alert Bill Schuette Attorney General The Attorney General provides Consumer Alerts to inform the public of unfair, misleading, or deceptive business practices, and to provide information and guidance on other issues of concern. Consumer Alerts are not legal...

Be Wary of Scammers Attracted by the Flint Water Crisis

CONSUMER ALERT  BILL SCHUETTE ATTORNEY GENERAL The Attorney General provides Consumer Alerts to inform the public of unfair, misleading, or deceptive business practices, and to provide information and guidance on other issues of concern. Consumer Alerts are not legal...

International Sweepstakes & Lottery Fraud

CONSUMER ALERT BILL SCHUETTE ATTORNEY GENERAL   The Attorney General provides Consumer Alerts to inform the public of unfair, misleading, or deceptive business practices, and to provide information and guidance on other issues of concern. Consumer Alerts are not legal...

Green Dot MoneyPak Cards

CONSUMER ALERT BILL SCHUETTE ATTORNEY GENERAL The Attorney General provides Consumer Alerts to inform the public of unfair, misleading, or deceptive business practices, and to provide information and guidance on other issues of concern. Consumer Alerts are not legal...

Grandparents Scam

CONSUMER ALERT BILL SCHUETTE ATTORNEY GENERAL The Attorney General provides Consumer Alerts to inform the public of unfair, misleading, or deceptive business practices, and to provide information and guidance on other issues of concern. Consumer Alerts are not legal...

Senior Census – Fact or Fiction?

CONSUMER ALERT BILL SCHUETTE ATTORNEY GENERAL The Attorney General provides Consumer Alerts to inform the public of unfair, misleading, or deceptive business practices, and to provide information and guidance on other issues of concern.  Consumer Alerts are not legal...

Counterfeit Check Scams

CONSUMER ALERT BILL SCHUETTE ATTORNEY GENERAL   The Attorney General provides Consumer Alerts to inform the public of unfair, misleading, or deceptive business practices, and to provide information and guidance on other issues of concern.  Consumer Alerts are not...