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Police Partnering With Community Builds Trust

When the police partner with their community, it helps to build trust and cooperation. They start to hold each other accountable and rely on one another. But this doesn’t happen overnight and there is not one single way to accomplish such a partnership. Most of...

Illegitimate Speed Limit Challenged in Hamtramck

Of all the criticisms Michigan roadways receive in their perpetual history of construction, reconstruction, and inevitable deconstruction, perhaps the most unassuming is that of the deceptive and costly speed trap. Such was the case on a strip of the NB Chrysler...

Hamtramck Owner of Stolen Dog Continues Search for Pet

Since July 6th, 26 year old Hamtramck resident Erica Pietryzk has been searching for her Australian Silky Terrier, Lilly. One morning Pietryzk let her dog out into her enclosed yard, and when she returned several minutes later Lilly was gone. Like any pet owner, she...

Cause of Fatal Hamtramck Fire Still Unknown

Hamtramck Chief of Police Max Garbarino, fellow officers, and the Hamtramck Fire Department are still investigating the origin of a fire that started on the morning of February 17th on Yemens St. and resulted in four fatalities. With funeral arrangements looming in...